Bangor Township – Bay County, MI

Zoning Board of Appeals


Ed LaPlant

Ex-Officio Member

Jean Ann DeShano


Sandy Covaleski


Matt Weidner


Mike Willard


Bill Ruff



Dates & Times

Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month, in the Township Administration Building, 6:00 p.m.

2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Schedule
2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Cut Off Dates

Minutes & Agendas

January 16 – Agenda | Minutes

February 20 – Agenda | Minutes

March 19Agenda |  Cancelled

April 16Agenda | Minutes

May 21Agenda | Minutes

June 18Agenda| Minutes

July 16Agenda | Cancelled

August 20Agenda | Minutes

September 17Agenda | Minutes

October 15Agenda | Cancelled

November 19 – Agenda | Minutes

December 17 – Agenda | Minutes

December 19 – Agenda | Minutes

November 21 – Agenda | Minutes

October 17 – Agenda | Minutes

September 19 – Agenda | Minutes

August 15 – Agenda (Cancelled)

July 18 – Agenda | Minutes

June 20 – Agenda | Minutes

May 16 – Agenda | Minutes

April 18 – Agenda

March 21 – Agenda | Minutes

February 21 – Agenda | Minutes

January 17 – Agenda | Minutes

December 20 – Minutes

November 10 – Minutes

October 18 – Agenda | Minutes

September 20 – Agenda | Minutes

September 14 – Special Agenda | Special Minutes

August 16 – Agenda | Minutes

July 19 – Agenda | Minutes

June 21 – Agenda | Minutes

May 17 – Agenda | Minutes

March 15 – Agenda (Cancelled)

February 15 – Agenda | Minutes

January 18 – Agenda | Minutes

December 21 – Agenda | Minutes

November 30 – Special Agenda | Special Minutes

November 16 – Agenda | Minutes

October 19 – Agenda | Minutes

September 21 – Agenda | Minutes

August 17 – Agenda | Minutes

July 20 – Agenda | Minutes

June 15 – Agenda | Minutes

May 18 – Agenda | Minutes

April 20 – Agenda | Minutes

March 16 – Agenda (Cancelled)

February 16 – Agenda (Cancelled)

January 19 – Agenda | Minutes

October 20 – Agenda | Minutes

September 15 – Agenda | Minutes

August 26 – Special Agenda | Special Minutes

August 18 – Agenda | Minutes

July 21 – Agenda | Minutes

June 30 – Special Agenda | Special Minutes

June 16 – Agenda | Minutes

May 19 – Agenda | Minutes

February 18 – Agenda | Minutes

December 17 – Agenda

November 19 – Minutes

October 15 – Agenda | Minutes

September 17 – Agenda | Minutes

August 20 – Agenda (Cancelled)

July 16 – Agenda | Minutes

June 18 – Agenda | Minutes

May 21 – Agenda | Minutes

April 16 – Agenda | Minutes

March 19 – Agenda | Minutes

February 19 – Agenda | Minutes

January 15 – Agenda | Minutes

December 18 – Minutes

November 20 – Minutes

October 16 – Agenda | Minutes

September 18 – Agenda | Minutes

August 21 – Agenda | Minutes

July 24 – Special Agenda | Special Minutes

July 17 – Agenda | Minutes

June 19 – Agenda | Minutes

May 15 – Agenda | Minutes

April 17 – Agenda | Minutes

March 20 – Agenda | Minutes

March 5 – Special Agenda | Special Minutes

February 20 – Agenda | Minutes

January 16 – Agenda | Minutes

December 19 – Minutes

November 21 – Minutes

October 17 – Minutes

September 19 – Minutes

August 15 – Minutes

July 18 – Minutes

June 20 – Minutes

May 16 – Minutes

April 18 – Minutes

March 21 – Minutes

December 20 – Minutes

November 10 – Minutes

October 18 – Minutes

September 20 – Minutes

August 23 – Special Minutes

August 16 – Minutes

July 20 – Minutes

June 21 – Minutes

May 17 – Minutes

April 19 – Minutes

March 16 – Minutes

February 16 – Minutes

January 19 – Minutes

December 15 – Minutes

November 3 – Special Minutes

October 20 – Minutes

September 15 – Minutes

August 18 – Minutes

July 21 – Minutes

June 16 – Minutes

May 19 – Minutes

April 21 – Minutes

February 17 – Minutes

January 20 – Minutes

December 16 – Minutes

November 13 – Minutes

October 21 – Minutes

October 1 – Special Minutes

September 16 – Minutes

August 19 – Minutes

July 15 – Minutes

June 17 – Minutes

May 20 – Minutes

April 15 – Minutes

March 18 – Minutes

February 18 – Minutes

January 21 – Minutes

December 17 – Minutes

November 19 – Minutes

October 15 – Minutes

September 17 – Minutes

August 20 – Minutes

July 16 – Minutes

July 9 – Special Minutes

June 18 – Minutes 

June 12 – Special Minutes

May 21 – Minutes

April 16 – Minutes

March 19 – Minutes

February 19 – Minutes

January 15 – Minutes

December 18 – Minutes

November 20 – Minutes

October 16 – Minutes

September 18 – Minutes

August 21 – Minutes

July 17 – Minutes

June 19 – Minutes

May 23 – Special Minutes

May 15 – Minutes

April 17 – Minutes

March 20 – Minutes

February 21 – Minutes

January 17 – Minutes

About the Board

The ZBA shall have the authority to act on those matters where this Ordinance provides for administrative review/appeal, interpretation, or special approval/appeal, and shall have the authority to authorize a variance as defined in this Ordinance and laws of the State of Michigan. Such authority shall be subject to the rules and standards in this Section. The ZBA shall not have the authority to alter or change zoning district classifications of any property, nor to make any change in the text of this Ordinance.

The ZBA shall have authority to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in an order, requirement, permit, decision, or refusal made by an official, board or commission in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this Ordinance.

The ZBA shall have authority to hear and decide appeals or requests for interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance, including the zoning map. The ZBA shall make such decisions so that the spirit and intent of this Ordinance shall be observed. Text interpretations shall be limited to the issues presented, and shall be based upon a reading of the Ordinance as a whole, and shall not have the effect of amending the Ordinance. Map and boundary interpretations shall be made based upon rules in the Ordinance, and any relevant historical information. In carrying out its authority to interpret the Ordinance, the ZBA shall consider reasonable and/or practical interpretations that have been consistently applied in the administration of the Ordinance. Prior to deciding a request for an interpretation, the ZBA may confer with staff and/or consultant to determine the basic purpose of the provision subject to interpretation and any consequences that may result from differing decisions. A decision providing an interpretation may be accompanied by a recommendation for consideration of an amendment of the Ordinance. Such authority shall include interpretation of whether a use is permitted in a given zone, or determination of off-street parking and loading requirements for any use not specifically listed.

The ZBA shall have authority in specific cases to authorize one or more variances from the strict letter and terms of this Ordinance by varying or modifying any of its rules or provisions so that the spirit of this Ordinance is observed, public safety secured, and substantial justice done. A dimensional or non-use variance allows a deviation from the dimensional (that is, height, bulk, setback) requirements of the Ordinance.
Such authority shall be exercised in accordance with the following standards:

a) The ZBA may grant a requested variance only upon a finding that practical difficulties exist. A finding of practical difficulties shall require demonstration by the applicant of all of the following:

1) Strict compliance with restrictions governing area, setback, frontage, height, bulk, density or other non-use matters, will unreasonably prevent the owner from using the property for a permitted purpose or will render conformity with the Ordinance conformity unnecessarily burdensome.
2) The variance will do substantial justice to the applicant, as well as to other property owners.
3) A lesser variance than requested will not give substantial relief to the applicant and/or be consistent with justice to other property owners.
4) The need for the variance is due to unique circumstances peculiar to the property and not generally applicable in the area or to other properties in the same zoning district.
5) The problem and resulting need for the variance has not been self-created by the applicant and/or the applicant’s predecessors.

b) In all variance proceedings, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide information, plans, testimony and/or evidence from which the ZBA may make the required findings. Administrative officials and other person may, but shall not be required to, provide information, testimony and/or evidence on a variance request.

The ZBA may impose reasonable conditions in connection with an affirmative decision on an appeal, interpretation or variance request. The conditions may include requirements necessary to achieve any of the following:

a) To insure that public services and facilities affected by a proposed land use or activity will be capable of accommodating increased service and facility loads caused by the land use or activity.
b) To protect the natural environment and conserve natural resources and energy
c) To insure compatibility with adjacent uses of land
d) To promote the use of land in a socially and economically desirable manner.

Conditions imposed shall meet the following requirements.

a) Be designed to protect natural resources, the health, safety and welfare and the social and economic well-being of those who will use the land use or activity under consideration, residents and landowners immediately adjacent to the proposed land use or activity, and the community as a whole.
b) Be related to the valid exercise of the police power, and purposes that are affected by the proposed use or activity.
c) Be necessary to meet the intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance, be related to the standards established in the ordinance, be related to the standards established in the ordinance of the land use or activity under consideration, and be necessary to insure compliance with those standards.

Conditions imposed with respect to the approval of a variance shall be recorded as part of the ZBA minutes, and shall remain unchanged except upon the mutual consent of the ZBA and the landowner following notice and hearing as required in a new case. The breach of any such conditions shall automatically invalidate the permit granted.
